What’s the downfall of Jawbone? Will we pay less attention to our own ability to pick up on body signals?

I find Jawbone completely beneficial, but it does pose some questions about self-control. Can we no longer take responsibility for our actions and our health? Do we really need an app to tell us how to live a healthy life?

Jawbone UP system and App

Jawbone UP system and App

Personally, I’ve always found it difficult finding the time to stay on top of my personal health–but should i be relying on an app? If it’s proven to work, I absolutely don’t have a problem. There are definitely issues regarding how it affects our ability to just have self-control and read our own body, but as obesity becomes an increasingly larger problem I don’t see the harm. A huge problem with obesity today is that people are unaware of what they’re eating–and the activity it requires to burn off those calories. More and more children are sitting on the computer or playing video games, eating junk food, and not receiving the proper health education. If Jawbone’s UP system can help mitigate that, then it’s a solution. Even though it’s helping us live a healthier lifestyle, it still requires a level of motivation and self-control. The system isn’t going to force me to be more active or shove healthier food options down my throat–it’s going to encourage me to make these choices on my own. I especially appreciate the app factor. As someone that’s tried counting calories numerous times, Jawbone offers consistent tracking. Not to mention it’s not just counting calories, it’s providing a wholesome overlook at your lifestyle–from your sleep, to your activity, to your nutrition (and more). The app also allows you to connect with family or friends and support each other. My roommates and I have tried working out and counting calories together, but someone always backs out (or we just all slowly backdown). In the end, Jawbone is supporting a more wholesome and healthier lifestyle–and you can’t argue too much with that.

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