
Look at this Instagram (Nickelback Parody)

Instagram. My main go-to when boredom strikes. I find Twitter and Instagram similar in many ways. I view Instagram as microblogging through photos, or micro-photographing. This video is hilarious, but at the same time soo true. Can anyone deny posting at least one of these stereotypical Instagram photos?

What is Instagram in light of communication? Here we are, documenting literally every moment of our life(whether it be significant or not), and for what? Do my friends actually care about my breakfast this morning? Or that duck I saw at the park? Is it even aesthetically pleasing, or am I solely documenting my life? What do we miss out on when we are so concerned with taking a picture of every moment?

This also brings up the issue of constantly documenting to prove that it happened. I think we’ve all heard the phrase, “if it’s not Facebook, then it never happen,” or at least some variation. Why do we want to take a picture of our meal prior to even enjoying the food? If we don’t post a picture of our meal will we not enjoy it as much? It’s not like posting the picture on Instagram will allow your friends to take a bite. What’s the point?! Why do we feel the need to report our daily activity through Instagram photos?

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